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EMDR Europe godkendt EMDR supervisor:


Uddannelsen til EMDR Supervisor afholdes af EMDR Foreningen Danmark med seniortræner Dr. Michael Hase som underviser. Supervisortræningen følger EMDR Europes krav og standarder.

Man kan ansøge om optagelse på Supervisor uddannelsen, når den bliver udbudt via foreningen EMDR Danmark til alle foreningens medlemmer. Supervisoruddannelsen udbydes med jævne mellemrum, i takt med behovet for flere EMDR supervisorer stiger og større udbredelse landet over.

Supervisor træningerne følger EMDR Europas kriterier som står herunder, men man kan tidligst søge om optagelse på en supervisortræning 1 år efter man er akkrediteret EMDR terapeut.


En supervisor uddannelse består af 2 x2 dages varighed a minimum 30 timers undervisning. Mellem første og anden træning, skal man superviseres 10 timer på supervision af supervision.

Efter endt træning får man et bevis fra EMDR Europe på, at man er uddannet EMDR supervisor. Man skal reakkrediteres efter 5 år som supervisor, for at man kan beholde sin status som EMDR Supervisor.  Klik her og læs mere


Se herunder: Kriterier for optagelse og uddannelsesforløbet:


Kriterier for optagelse på supvisoruddannelsen og akkreditering:


EMDR Europe consultants training course


The following represents the minimum requirements for an EMDR consultant training course.  Trainers may add to any part of this course.



All candidates for training must provide one letter of recommendation from their EMDR consultant stating that they are ready to undertake training, plus a letter of support from their national association.

All candidates must have been accredited as an EMDR practitioner for at least one year prior to commencing this training.

Training should be open to any practitioner who meets the above requirement.

It is strongly recommended that this training course takes place at the beginning of a trainee consultants training.




1. Review of the Accreditation Process and Competency Framework (2 hours)

Review the EMDR Europe competency framework for both practitioner and consultant. Participants should be assessed on their understanding of the guidelines and the accreditation process from both a national and EMDR Europe perspective. (It is advisable to have a representative from the national association present during this part of the training).


2. Theory review (6 hours)

The following areas should be covered through teaching and practical exercises:

  • Psychotrauma
  • The neurobiology of trauma
  • Review of AIP Model and EMDR Protocol
  • Case conceptualisation
  • Knowledge of evidence base.
  • Identify knowledge required in addition to that of a practitioner
  • The importance of the therapeutic relationship in EMDR treatment
  • Overview of scripted protocols eg
  • EMDR, Dissociation and Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD)
  • EMDR with phobias
  • EMDR and clients with addictive behaviours
  • EMDR and clients with pain
  • EMDR protocols for acute trauma (Recent Events Protocol)
  • EMDR & traumatic bereavement, grief & mourning

3. Teaching the consultation process (6 hours)

  • Definitions of consultation
  • Different models of consultation and clinical supervision
  • Difference between individual and group supervision
  • The functions of supervision
  • Supervisors’ styles
  • How EMDR supervision differs from generic supervision
  • Roles of EMDR consultant as (i) educator and (ii) evaluator
  • EMDR consultant’s gate-keeping responsibilities for EMDR accreditation.
  • Managing the consultant/supervisee relationship.
  • Managing supervisees who do not meet EMDR Europe competence requirements.
  • Recognising supervisee own resistance, and trauma and affect phobia.

4.  Assessing competence through live practice/video (10 hours)

Training should include live consultation of the consultant-in-training supervising a course participant’s case material, and/or live consultation of consultant-in-training’s supervision video.

The consultant-in-training should also be assessed on their ability to transfer knowledge effectively to the supervisee on any of the above topics related to EMDR, AIP and trauma.  This should be done during live consultation, or by role play.


5. Evaluation (6 hours)

Participants should be evaluated on all areas of knowledge and practice by the trainer, outlining both the consultant-in-training’s strengths and weaknesses. This evaluation will form part of the consultant-in-training’s final accreditation evaluation. The procedure for doing this must be negotiated with the national association.


6. Duration of Training

Minimum of 30 hours


7. Consultant trainer

The consultant training course should only be run by an EMDR Europe Senior trainer. This condition may be waived for new association who do not yet have senior trainer, but only with the agreement of the standards committee. The trainer should have the support of the National association.

Approved 30.10.2016


EMDR Europe Practitioners seeking accreditation as a Consultant must meet the following requirements:

  1. Applicants need to have a minimum of three years experience as an EMDR Europe Practitioner (Altså 3 år efter godkendt EMDR Europe akkrediteret terapeut)
  2. Treated a broad range of clients of varying diagnoses and complexity
  3. Completed a minimum of 400 EMDR sessions
  4. Treated a minimum number of 75 clients utilising EMDR since becoming an EMDR Europe Accredited Practitioner. (Godkendt akkrediteret EMDR terapeut).
  5. Demonstrate competency in the provision of EMDR clinical supervision/ consultation (This will ordinarily be a minimum of 20 hours)
  6. Participate in regular clinical supervision of ongoing EMDR clinical work
  7. Have a certificate of competency from undertaking an approved EMDR Europe Consultants training on behalf of EMDR National Organisations
  8. Have undertaken a minimum of 30 hours EMDR Continuous Professional Development (CPD) since becoming an EMDR Europe Practitioner
  9. Submitted a minimum of three DVD’s or in-vivo sessions of an EMDR clinical session, an individual EMDR clinical Supervision session and of a Group EMDR Clinical Supervision
  • Info

    EMDR er blevet anerkendt af WHO som en af de bedste behandlingsterapier til behandling af især stress relaterede lidelser, foruden adskillige forskningsundersøgelser har vist, at EMDR er en af mest effektive terapier til behandling af PTSD.

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    Foreningens sekretariat: 
    E-mail: info@emdr.dk - svartid: 1-3 dage

    CVR nr. 31927625

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    Det står EMDR Europes akkreditering for. Klik på ”Find en terapeut” øverst på siden for at finde den EMDR terapeut der er nærmest din adresse.

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