Til forsiden af EMDR

(Er under udarbejdelse)

Du kan ansøge om om at bliver børn/unge supervisor 2 år efter du er akkrediteret EMDR terapeut og har modtaget børn/unge træningerne del 1 og del 2 og arbejder med børn/unge behandlinger som en stor del af dit arbejde.

Træningen vil som oftest foregå i udlandet sammen med andre Europæiske EMDR terapeuter, der også ønsker at blive akkrediteret C&A supervisor.

Kuser vil blive støttet af EMDR Danmark og annonceret til medlemmerne af EMDR Danmark .


The following represents the minimum requirements for an EMDR C&A consultant training and the criteria for the process to become accredited. C&A trainers may add to any part of this course

Eligibility criteria for admittance to C&A Consultants Training (CCT):

  1. Being member of the national association
  2. All candidates for training must provide a letter from their national association, saying that they are fulfilling all requirements. A letter from their former EMDR consultant might be added (not obligatory), stating that they are ready to undertake training (if the consultant has relevant and accurate information  about this).
  3. Being accredited as an EMDR practitioner for at least two years prior to commencing this training, or as many years as required by their national association. If there are no regulations in a specific country, then grandparenting takes place.
  4. Having experience with EMDR therapy >400 sessions, 75 patients of which at least 50% with C&A. If C&A is the second registration (after/besides generic consultant), then >150 sessions, 37 patients. On weekly basis > 4 hours with C&A.
  5. Working in mental health care > 16 hours weekly, of which > 8 hours with C&A.

Application Procedure

Applicant writes a letter to the trainers (of the consultant training) indicating motivation for becoming consultant, relevant experiences as EMDR therapist and as supervisor/teacher. The letter of the national association, saying that they are fulfilling the criteria, is accompanying the letter of the applicant.

  OUTLINE OF COURSE                                                                      

   1.Observe the (C&A) trainings again

When being admitted to the CCT, - prior to participating the CCT -, the candidate-consultants observe both the level I and level II EMDR training in their country (if possible) in order to get their knowledge and understanding updated and refreshed.

2.Theory review (12 hours for c&a material including assessing competence,  see 3).

The following areas should be covered through teaching and practical exercises: (topics from the C&A trainings):

  • Diagnostics
  • Age-adapted protocol: mistakes and pitfalls
  • Storytelling/narrative: mistakes and pitfalls
  • Other (evidence based) EMDR protocols being part of the trainings
  • Role of parents/care givers/family
  • Case conceptualization
  • EMDR with dissociative /avoidant children
  • EMDR with Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD)

3.Assessing competence through live practice/video

Training should include live consultation of the consultant-in-training supervising a course participant's case material, and/or live consultation of consultant-in-training's supervision video.

The consultant-in-training should also be assessed on their ability to transfer knowledge effectively to the supervisee on any of the above topics related to the material being covered in the EMDR C&A training. This should be done during live consultation or through role-play.


Participants should be evaluated on all areas of knowledge and practice by a trainer or senior supervisor. Supervision take place on the basis of video-fragments where the candidate can be observed supervising. For the evaluation there are competency-based forms to be completed. This evaluation is a part of the consultant-in-training's final accreditation evaluation.

5.Duration of Training

Minimum of 12 hours for the C&A part

6. Trainer for the CCT

The c&a consultant training course should be run only by EMDR Europe Senior c&a trainers. This condition may be waived for new associations that do not yet have senior trainers, but only with the agreement of the standards committee. The trainer should have the support of the National association.

Approved, June 2021


  • Info

    EMDR er blevet anerkendt af WHO som en af de bedste behandlingsterapier til behandling af især stress relaterede lidelser, foruden adskillige forskningsundersøgelser har vist, at EMDR er en af mest effektive terapier til behandling af PTSD.

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    Foreningens sekretariat: 
    E-mail: info@emdr.dk - svartid: 1-3 dage

    CVR nr. 31927625

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