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Interview med Francine Shapiro juni 2014
Can Eye Movements Treat Trauma?
Spændende artikel skrevet i Sund Forskning, Sensommer 2012
"Hjernen kan lære at give slip på traumer"
Nedenfor er der 6 artikler udsendt i forbindelse med foreningens julehilsen til medlemmerne:
Interview med Francine Shapiro, Ph.D.
Om EMDR behandling 12 år efter en hændelse
Om EMDR ved tragedien i Arizona
Undersøgelse om ikke specifikke rygsmerter/EMDR
Om New-Yorker og brugen af EMDR
Om Yoga, EMDR og kroppen af Bessel van der Kolk
Hjerneændringer ved overgreb i barndommen
Eye movements reveal rhythm of memory formation
Exploring alternate ways to deal with trauma
Dutch court halts Qaeda suspects extradition to us
Dutch court halts extradition of terror suspect to US in therapy dispute
Eye Movement Therapy for Addiction
EMDR International Association Responds to Errors and Omissions in the july 2012 IOM Resont on PTSD
For PTSD treatment, EMDR could mean less pain, faster gain
How EMDR therapy opens a windows to the brain
Mother’s Day 2012: War hero Ben Parkinson walks for 1st time to give gift to his dotingmum
Dr. Francine Shapiro meets trauma head-on
EMDR therapy: An overview of current and future research
Neurobiological Correlates of EMDR Monitoring – An EEG Study
Understanding EMDR with Francine Shaprio
Therapy and the Spiritual Life
Childhood abuse victims given light therapy
Interview with EMDR cretator Francine Shapiro
Can You Benefit From EMDR Therapy?
REM Sleep Depotentiates Amygdala Activity to Provious Emotional Experiences
Omfang og organisering av sorggrupper i Norge
Outreach and screening following the 2005 London bombings: usage and outcomes
Eye movements reduce vividness and emotionality of “flashforwards”
Psychological treatments for chronic post-traument stress disorder
A Pilot Blinded, Randomized Study of Stimulation Type
Treatment of PTSD by EMDR Improves Sleep Quality
Effects of Three PTSD Treatments on Anger and Guilt
Prolonged Exposure Versus Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
Usefulness of a Trauma-Focused Treatment Approach for Travel Probia
PTSD and its treatment in people with intellectual disabillities A review of the literature
EMDR er blevet anerkendt af WHO som en af de bedste behandlingsterapier til behandling af især stress relaterede lidelser, foruden adskillige forskningsundersøgelser har vist, at EMDR er en af mest effektive terapier til behandling af PTSD.
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